Improving the appearance of cellulite and reduces the absorption of fat



Capsules to Treat Obesity and Cellulite

Active Components of the Highest Purity – For All Skin Types.
Five hundred milligram formula that gives excellent results with the action of their powerful active ingredients; reducing the appearance of orange peel skin and preventing its occurrence.
Celludistrofk stimulates the lipolytic enzymes, improving the appearance of cellulite and reduces the absorption of fat.
It also helps to release fat from nodules with its stimulating effect on the micro-circulation.



Five hundred milligram formula that gives excellent results with the action of their powerful active ingredients in its formula; they act directly on localized fat, reducing the appearance of orange peel skin and preventing its occurrence.
Celludistrofk stimulates the lipolytic enzymes, improving the appearance of cellulite and reducing the absorption of fat in the intestines.
It also helps to release fat from nodules with its stimulating effect on the micro-circulation and capillary permeability.

Cellulite (adiposis edematosa), occurs in different parts of the body and for various reasons. Celludistrofk acts on the skin of your body to help reduce the appearance of fat around the abdomen, buttocks, hips and upper thigh area.
This action is suitably combined with a mild keratolytic effect, resulting in an improvement of its condition due to the combined action of its components.

Reduces the absorption of fats in the body.
Stimulates Enzymes Lipolytic.
May help with cellulitis, weight control.
Improving microcirculation and capillary permeability.
Antioxidant action.
Celludistrofk Oral does not need a specific program.
We recommend taking 2 capsules a day (1000 mg per day) in the morning or evening, with a glass of water.
Celludistrofk Oral is a 100% natural product and is well tolerated. It has not been observed any side effects at high doses. This product can be used safely. Celludistrofk Oral should not be taken with other medicines or treatments.
Finished product control:
Celludistrofk is produced under strict absolute sterility regulations, there are also various quality tests, microbiological controls and bacterial analysis. Each batch of Celludistrofk is submitted to rigorous quality control in compliance with the relevant regulations for the production of pharmaceutical products in the EU.
Each Celludistrofk Oral capsule contains 500 mg of: Chromium Picolinate, Hericium extract, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, Opuntia Ficus-indica, brown algae extract rich in polyphenols, fructooligosaccharides, Heracium Pilosella Extract, pineapple stem rich in bromelain, spirulina, zinc gluconate, Melilot.
Presentation and packaging:
Celludistrofk Oral comes in a pack containing 60 capsules of 500 mg each. It is vacuum packed in blister packs.
Stored in your container in a cool, dry place (5ºC - 25°C).
Celludistrofk Oral is manufactured under strict quality controls following the regulations of the European Pharmacopoeia.